Onboarding & intergration
“The onboarding was organized by my department. And my laptop, phone and accesses were all arranged on day one. But after that, getting integrated into the work and starting to contribute was challenging. Luckily, with the help of my colleagues, I was able to understand more of our department and its activities. This helped me to find my own way. In a couple of years, the onboarding in my department has improved a lot compared to the time I joined.”
Joint forces for the Energy transition
“I feel that internationals generally have different ideologies and ways of working. Being in an international team, it’s fun to have different views and learn from each other. We have a lot of challenges with the energy transition and it’s pretty cool we can all work together and create a better future.”
Dutch lessons
Although the entire team speaks English, Arjun has started Dutch lessons. “I started my Dutch lessons last month. My progress isn’t that fast, but I’m getting there. Ik kijk er naar uit steeds meer Nederlands met mijn collega’s te praten. (transIation: I look forward to speaking more and more Dutch with my colleagues) ”